Wednesday 17 April 2013


Prince Volonski and theKuppies visit Prince Morowski by Foutoux
All Rights Reserved Copyright L.Ivison 2013

Prince Volonski had to visit his neighbour Prince Morowski to pick up Penelope the Kuppie.  With Ignatius  and,Rodolph (now rather Cogs than Kuppies)  the Prince got into his regal carriage carrying Krystal the Karrot in a cage covered with a black cloth.  The two Cogs poked their heads out of the window as the horses galloped with their long ears flying in the wind.

An hour later they arrived at his neighbour's gate which had written over it "Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here".  "One of the Prince's jokes" reflected Prince Volonski,  The vast lawns of the chateau's grounds had a lake on which 12 black swans with orange beaks swam in a straight line.  To the left some marshy land which seemed to bubble and heave with black mud and gave off an unpleasant smell as the carriage passed.  All colour seemed to have drained out of the Spring landscape - everything drooped rather than grew and the daffodils although just in bloom were a faded yellow.  The only good thing about the landscape were the Christmas trees which Prince Volonski had given to his neighbour.  They had ready-made baubles hanging from them as the Prince had crossed red, white and blue berries with apples and grafted it onto ordinary Christmas trees.  The Prince congratulated himself as the carriage passed his invention, and finally they pulled up outside Prince Morowski's Chateau.

The Cogs jumped down barking and purring all at the same time and Prince Morowski came to greet his visitors with Penelope who, overjoyed to see her brothers yelped enthusiastically.

The Prince was a tall, thin man with a bald head from which a fringe of greasy black hair dropped to his shoulders leaving a dusting of dandruff on his black coat.  His legs seemed twice the size of his body and he had large bony hands with long fingers.  He had black eyes, black hair and black teeth much as the Cogs had black paws, black muzzles and black tails.

Prince Volonski handed over Krystal the Karrot who had been sleeping in her cage.  Krystal was the philosophical Karrot and the Prince thought that she might give his neighbour something to think about in his long lonely evenings.

Teas was served in the Great Hall under the eye of dark portraits of Prince Morowski's Russian ancestors.  Conversation was strained - he had found Penelope the Kuppie very trying  In general his conversation was morose and dull and after the formalities were over and a dry biscuit or two had been digested Prince Volonski with the three Cogs got back into his carriage with some relief and returned to his chateau.

All Rights Reserved L.Ivison Copyright 2013

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