Monday 29 April 2013


29 April 2013
Prince Volonski and Princess Morowski watch Pistache the Duckie by Foutoux
Copyright All Rights Reserved L.Ivison 2013

Prince Volonski woke up early.  The first spring day had arrived and he opened the window to breath in the warm air.  Birds sang in the Chateau grounds, chiming with the song in his hearT.  He was in love with Princess Morowski, the estranged wife of Prince Morowski - the charming lady with dimples who was as passionate about her blossom trees as he was about his Rose Garden.  The idea struck him that he would go over to see her and propose to graft a white cherry blossom branch onto a pink cherry blossom tree.  The idea struck him as rather a good way to spent time with the Lady in Green - time to win her heart.

Princess Morowsi by Foutoux
All Rights Reserved Copyright LIvison 2013

The Prince dressed quickly in his best tail coat and thigh length boots, called Ignatius, Rodolph and Penelope, his Cogs (a cross between his Dalmatian dog Lenin and his Siamese cat Ming).  All four of them jumped into the waiting carriage and the horses went off at a gallop through the Spring landscape.  Nothing could dim the happiness the Prince felt - his love for Princess Morowski had transformed his desire to change every little thing that wasn't perfect.  He had to admit, however, that as the carriage sped through the countryside the brown heads of the hydrangers and the crinkly copper beech leaves hanging on tightly since last October annoyed him.  He pondered the dandelions now growing along the side of the road - he wasn't sure about the disorderly way they spread themselves everywhere.  But he puts these thoughts aside and as the expectant travelers arrived in the Avenue of Heavenly Blossom that led directly to Princess's chateau he noticed that all the blossoms trees had come out in the four days since his last visit.

Princess Morowski greeted the Prince and the Cogs who jumped and yapped and purred all at the same time, leaving muddy paw marks on his Sweetheart's emerald green dress.  Her pink cheeks and pearly smile inflamed the Prince's heart and he flushed momentarily as he took her hand to kiss it.

The Prince was invited into the Conservatoire where Pistache, the Duckie (a cross between a budgerigar and a duck) hung in his gilded cage.  The spring sun shone through the ancient glass giving a strange amber light which was as warm as the Princess's heart.

After tea the two lovers, each with a song in their heart, decided to take Pistache down to the Great Lake to see if he could benefit from his webbed feet.  Prince Volonski placed an arm discreetly around the Princess's substantial waist and Princess Morowski blushed a pretty pink.  The Cogs purred and ran yapping into the bushes while Pistache was placed lovingly in the lake.  What was their horror when the beloved hybrid sank like a stone - having had no mother Duckie to show it how to swim Pistache did not know how to paddle.  He was, it was clear, condemned to a life hopping like a budgerigar on webbed feet in the Princess's chateau.

But even this could not stop the joy the couple felt to be in the spring sunshine together. As Prince Volonski and the Princess returned to the Chateau he noticed that the Eternal Blooming Blossom which he had created and which filled the garden with unwanted flies - were being replaced by saplings.

It was almost evening when the Prince and the Cogs got back into the carriage and returned to his chateau with a warm conviction in his heart that he had found True Love at last.

Copyright L.Ivison 2013 All Rights Reserved.

"The Prince and The Kuppies" will be published on Kindle e-books in June 2013.




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